His Royal Majesty

Eberechukwu Oji

Eze Aro, Arochukwu Kingdom

The ancient Arochukwu Kingdom


Umu Aro, here comes the chosen heir to the throne. Now begins a new era of unity, progress and renaissance in Arochukwu Kingdom. Let us rise to acknowledge, honour and celebrate the grandson of the legendary Late Eze Aro, Eze Kanu Oji; an academic prodigy; a profound thinker; an accomplished petroleum engineer; a global technical authority; an acclaimed technocrat; CEO of ND Western Limited; a Pastor extraordinary; a humanitarian beacon; a responsible family man; and a dignified Aro man par excellence: His Majesty, Eze Eberechuwku Oji, the Eze Aro of Arochukwu Kingdom.

Long live the King. Long live the Aro Kingdom.